+250 786 204 413

Our Model


Business sector Identification


Savings groups formation

Seed Capital


Where We Work

Infinity Wealth works exclusively in rural areas of Africa where the majority of the population lives below the extreme poverty line.

We have experience working in rural area in Rwanda, Nyarugenge District, Kanyinya sector.

We plan to continue expanding throughout Rwanda and sub-Saharan Africa with the goal of lifting 5 million people out of extreme poverty by 2030.

Who We serve

  • Women: Infinity wealth program with female participants benefitted households regarding increases in total asset ownership and consumption as well as access to savings groups. Moreover, women participating in our program reported increased standing in the community and subjective well-being, including improved mental health and an overall sense of happiness.
  • Youth: Providing economic opportunities to unemployed rural youth in Rwanda to become successful entrepreneurs.
  • Children: We support primary school student from poor family and dropped out school student with school materials and rabbit farming per student to cater for future schools needs such as Uniforms, school materials and food.